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11-18-13 Library Board Meeting Minutes
Library Board Meeting
November, 18, 2013

Present: Rose Tautigian; Mary Mourey; Debra Arrieta; Sally Pelletier; Florence Schroeter; Gloria Visgilio-Lupi; Todney Harris; Susan Hansen, and Charles Casella.
Absent: Anthony Foran

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm.
Librarian’s Report:
  • Sandra DiCicco has been hired as the new Children’s/Teen Librarian. Sandra is busy pursuing grants to promote bilingual early childhood literacy programs and to participate in the “Every Child Ready to Read” initiative.
  • The Raymond Library closed to the public on November 2, 2013.
  • On November 25, 2013, Phase 2 of the move from the Raymond Library will begin. The books not taken to the Community Cultural Center will be boxed and moved to a storage facility in Windsor.
  • In preparing for the move, staff has found that a significant part of the collection is water damaged and moldy. These books will be given to a non-profit organization that recycles used books.
  • Children’s staff took the Bookmobile to the Magnet School at Goodwin College and brought books and a story time to 50 children. There are plans to make this a monthly outreach program.
  • The Library will participate in Holiday Fest December 6-9. There will be a book sale, children’s crafts, and a teen craft making rubber band bracelets. Saturday, the Friends will sell hot dogs and baked goods. On Monday evening, “Stories with Mrs. Claus” will be held.
Chairman’s Report:
        The Chairman announced that he would not be seeking reappointment to the Library Board. His term expires in December 2013. He thanks all members of the Board for their diligence and support during his time on the Board. He acknowledges the accomplishments of former Board Chairman Tom Rup, who was an effective advocate for Library expansion.

Old Business: None
New Business: None
Opportunity for Citizens to Speak: None
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:20pm.